Justin Profke
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Super Robot Taisen R
it  rpg  grid  game  when  you  more  your  robot  forward    to  try  kill  them   but  it  hard   to   kill  them  you   space  or  land  levels   it  up  u  which  one  u  want      


The sequel to Crash Bandicoot's action racing game, featuring a new Tag Team gameplay system. In Crash Tag Team Racing, players can combine their car with an opponents in mid-race to make a super-car equipped with a powerful turret gun. When clashed, players can either get behind the wheel and drive or fire an onboard weapon. Each character has his or her own uniquely deadly 360˚ rotating turret. Players can continue the action out of the car where they can explore the entire world on foot and collect upgrades for their cars and unlock bonus tracks.


Super Robot Taisen D
this  game  is  like  1st     one  get   new  levels  new  robot  more   HP    in  the  game.    level aren't  some level are   not very  good.game   but it a good for japanese who the   stroy    line   to  the  robot.       

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