Justin Profke

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With Super Robot Wars MX, Banpresto brings yet another Super Robot Wars game to the PlayStation 2. Released in Japan in March of 2004, MX features Z Gundam, The End of Evangelion along with 19 other robots. The game also introduces two entirely new robots to the series. Bandai has powered up both graphics and gameplay systems over its predecessor to offer a more advanced and immersive kind of simulation roleplaying experience. Improvements include a new double attack feature as well as more cinematic "cut-ins" to liven up the battles. And this must be a new record: Super Robot Wars MX is the fourth title in the same series in a 12 month period.  
  what  I  think  of  the  game    
I  think  it  a  good  game.  It  got  best  robot   like is raydeen.     i hope  bring  out more  of  them.    It  wis  very  hard  to  find  this  game.  I  have to  find  it  in  Hong  Kong.       

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